Special Treatments Beyond Routine Dental Care
Routine dental care involves the basic treatments and preventive measures necessary to maintain good oral health. Scheduling regular appointments, having your teeth cleaned and taking good care of your mouth and teeth are all part of routine care. Even getting sealants or fillings are part of basic dental care. But there are a few treatments and procedures which are considered special treatments going above and beyond routine care.
Restorative Dental Treatments
Some special treatments include restorative procedures. These options help restore one’s smile. In most cases, restorative options are not necessary for the overall oral health of the individual. However, in many cases, they can help improve their eating and speaking considerably. In many cases, these types of procedures are just a step up from required treatments. For instance, implants are chosen over dentures and truth colored fillings are chosen over traditional ones. Some options might include crowns or bridges all designed to improve the smile.
Cosmetic Dental Treatments
Other special treatments include cosmetic procedures. There are many popular cosmetic treatments trending in the dentistry world today. This includes treatments like bonding, veneers, crowns, and smile imaging. These types of treatments are designed simply to make you look better, and in most cases, have nothing to do with the health of your teeth. However, having a positive self-image does have a lot to do with the way you live your life and present yourself in situations.
Does Insurance Pay for Special Treatments?
In the vast majority of cases, insurance will not pay for special treatments. Most of the time, special treatments are considered to be above and beyond what is necessary for oral health and insurance companies deem them unnecessary, or they opt to pay only for less expensive options.
Dentures (Prosthetic)
Dentures can be considered a prosthetic device since they are a removable replacement used when a person has missing teeth.
Together, our neurological experts work with an integrated team of pain management specialists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons.
TMJ Disorder Treatment
Over 10 million people are believed to suffer from Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ.